
Born and raised in the dirty south, Virginia will forever be my home. I was raised in Christian family, attended a Christian high school, graduated from a Christian college, and now I work in a Christian environment. Can anyone say "Christian Bubble"? I have been blessed with parents that love each other, food on the table at every meal (I don't skip meals, it's against who I am), and I pay really cheap rent (can I get an Amen?).

I suppose many could look at my life and consider it "perfect", which in most cases, it is. But has anyone ever taken the time to stop and look at their everyday routines, habits and priorities just to realize that life isn't about the job, the money, the stress, the perfection, the rent, the Starbucks coffees (border line), the relationship status or popularity. Life is about living and breathing the word of the Lord. period.

Easier said than done, from the girl who has had it "easy" her whole life. A truth that I have come to realize over the past couple of years, is that it is harder to seek God in the easy times, than it is in the hard. Whats the point? I can make my own life decisions and I can do it on my own, right?


A life lived alone, is not a lived life. The idea of someone loving me regardless of my faults, temptations, struggles and emotional episodes is overwhelming and could not imagine my life without Jesus Christ as the center. So what difference am I making in my "Bubble" of a life? I am striving to be a light to those who claim to believe in God, but do not really know Him.

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