
Goals For This Year
  1. Read the Bible in a year (the whole Bible)
  2. Lose 25 pounds (with Weight Watchers and weekly exercise)
  3. Pay off my annoying credit card debt and save $5000
  4. Run a marathon
  5. Get rid of 1/2 of my clothes and donate them
  6. Buy a really really nice camera
  7. Read a book a month (I am not a reader)
  8. Give up Diet Soda
  9. Go on another missions trip...anywhere.
  10. GET ENGAGED! (I know this is not up to me...but is definitely something I would like to happen at some point :)
Pet Peeves
  1. I do not like overhead lighting. My house is lit by beautiful T.J. MAXX lamps and candles
  2. I like my clothes and bedding to smell like Febreeze. Always.
  3. Breaking Traditions. My family likes to do this around the holidays to cut corners and I am not about that :)
  4. Food Pickers. Please do not stick your germ, infested fingers into my pot of food, to "try" the unfinished product. Just go away!
  5. Shopper Stalkers. Women who come to the little section/rack in the store that you happen to be looking at, and invade your personal space. Ladies... this is annoying...
  6. When someone calls me on the phone and immediately put's me on hold. "Hey girl! hold on one second...Yes! I'd like a double cheeseburger, one fry....."  really? 
  7. Food Space. I like to have my space when I am eating. If a table has an empty seat..I will opt for the completely empty table...some may call me anti-social, I call myself "insecure when stuffing my face with food"
Man :) I can be a cranky pants

Travel Wishes

  1. ENGLAND, ENGLAND, ENGLAND (My dad is from England)
  2. Egypt
  3. Spain *again
  4. Alaska
  5. New Zealand
  6. Prince Edward Island (I grew up with Ann of Green Gables)
Future Impulse Purchases
  1. A Nikon Camera *I'm okay if Ashton Kutcher comes with it
  2. An Anthropologie Dress
  3. NAKED palette by Urban Decay


  1. Shalie! I want to run a 1/2...Disney Princess next February. You and me. It's gonna happen!! And seriously my mom squealed when I said you wanted to come to AK with me! We'll find you a cheap ticket and go soon! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, I haaaaaate overhead lights as well! 99% of the time I only have my lamps and my Scentsy's going at home, NO OVER HEAD LIGHTS! Unfortunately, at work for 8 hours a day, I am forced to sit under some yellow florescent lighting and I stronnnnnngly despise it.

    I just recently bought my fist DSLR camera. I did tonssssss of research and decided that Canon was the best option (at least for me!) Good luck with all of your goals!! And i'd love to go to England too!
