Can I get an Amen! for the picture below?!
This was on the table last night...and it was amazing. One of the BEST blogs for Weight Watcher recipes, check out Skinny Taste for the full recipe and directions!
This meal was so affordable and easy to make. The items I had on hand were the mozzarella and Parmesan cheese and eggs, which probably averaged around $4 together. The items I purchased were the lasagna noodles ($1.00), Frozen spinach ($1.64), Tomato Sauce ($1.98), Ricotta Cheese ($1.98)...around $10.00 friends...
The recipe also yields so much! I could only handle one roll and my boyfriend could only eat two (that's shocking), I shared the love with Erin (my roommate) and brought one for lunch today. That leaves 4 lonely rolls in the refrigerator at home :( those poor rolls.
Watched this movie with Erin last night. HILARIOUS! I loved it. The humor was the belly aching, tear jerking type. I personally do not think Josh would have appreciated the humor (thats why he was not invited) and there were quite a few "F" words in the movie (not a fan of profanity) but I would totally recommend this movie (just not to my mom :).
Have a great Thursday everyone! It's almost the weekend!!!
I loooooooove Bridesmaids! And that food looks absolutely delicious, thanks for the recipe!
PS - Giveaway today!
Haha Bridesmaids is so funny, but the first time I watched it was with a boy and it was so awwwkward! haha