Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Easy, Breezy, Beautiful....Cough Drops?

Well now that I have taken a nice, unnecessary break from my Blog for the past week, I have decided to stop being lazy and update it.
 I have been batteling a minor cold the past few days, and have tried to smack it straight in the face! before it gets any worse.

Exibit A

*please don't mind "Papa Cisco" a.k.a Work Phone a.k.a super dusty because I never use it, in the background.

Work was obviously not my first choice when my alarm went off this morning. A million reasons why I should not go into work this morning entered my head, BUT Erin Murphy can't bring home the bacon every day (actually the bacon in the fridge is mine, I made an awesome corn chowder the other night. Try It!)

Random Fact: I cannot say "Corn Chowder" without a New York accent.  See Below.

So I made the mistake of reading the WARNINGS on the back of my Hall's Breezers package. Apparently, I may experience some swelling, nausea, fever and rashing...that's right friends...rashing. Oh Good! let me slap this cold in the face with a nice swollen, rash infested immune system. perfect.

Introducing: The Tony Voice

For some strange reason, I have been talking with a New York accent all day (I promise I am not a freak...no seriously). Like I own a pizzeria or something.  I do not know if the cold is getting to my head or I am just itching for a summer beach day.

It started with an email that I received from a student that read:

Ms. Burrows,

Can I catch up with you on Wednesday at 12:30 p.m?

Sent via Blackberry Text

First, I hate emails sent via text message. Second...catch up?

Que "Tony" Voice:

"What do you think this is, a hang out session?"

"Would you like to get coffee too?"

"Why dont you bring me some coffee and some hommade corn chowder"

"Catch up? like pizza sauce....?"

Have a Glorious Tuesday!

Please pray for me to get through this day :)

1 comment:

  1. Haha Oh Shalie...I'm sorry you were sick. But I'm excited to see you soon! We can talk in accents together {however, I'm more partial to the Rhode Island accent}!
