Friday, February 3, 2012

Peace in the Middle East

Happy Friday!

Plans for the weekend include:

  1. Sleep!
  2. Laundry (womp womp)
  3. Sleep!
  4. Homework (womp womp again)
  5. Sleep!
 Lets be honest, who really cares what happens, as long as it's the weekend!...
 but Sleep will be involved.

Today, I was walking in the hallway, when I saw a table completely covered in bracelets (what girl wouldn't notice that?) Sitting behind this table was a girl holding a poster that read "Help send me to the Middle East!" I love missions, I love bracelets...I love mission bracelets.

So I bought one ;)

I recently took a trip to Algeria with a friend from work, to visit her parents Mission's organization (Operation Mobilization), where they started a church. One of the only churches in the entire Country. The people there are Muslim and their native language's are Arabic and French (this was quite difficult for me). Christianity is forbidden, but the Lord works in mysterious ways, doesn't he :) To God Be The Glory! Here are a few pictures from my trip this past Summer:

(sharing my testimony at a womens camp)

The people there, also loved the fact that I was an AMERICAN! (fireworks go off, crowd cheers). Yea, its that big of a deal of there. We are a very blessed Nation. We are free...
The women wanted to dress me up in their native dressings...every...where....I went.... :)

One of the most motivating, thrilling, scary, exciting experiences of my life.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. how cool is this! love all your photos from your trip! and i hope my weekend involves lots of sleep too but with a 2 year old thats unlikely ; )

    1. If I had a 2 year old that looked like your's I would not want to sleep :) Have a great week!
